accused(icl>defendant) |
accuse(icl>charge(agt>person,obj>person,rsn>thing)) |
accuse(icl>do,equ>charge,agt>thing,obj>thing) |
accuse(icl>do,equ>charge,cob>abstract_thing,agt>person,obj>person) |
accuser |
accuser(icl>disputant) |
accuser(icl>disputant>thing) |
accusing(aoj>thing) |
accusingly |
accusingly(icl>how) |
accusive |
accustom |
accustomed |
accustomed(aoj>person) |
accustomed(aoj>thing) |
accustomed(icl>adj) |
accustomed(icl>adj,ant>unaccustomed) |
accustom(icl>change(agt>person,obj>oneself)) |
accustom(icl>change>do,equ>habituate,cob>thing,agt>volitional_thing,obj>living_thing) |
ace |
ace(aoj>thing) |
acebutolol |
acedia(icl>sin) |
ACE(equ>Allied Command Europe) |
ace(icl>digit) |
ace(icl>digit>thing,equ>one) |
ace(icl>expert>thing) |
ace(icl>headquarters>thing,equ>allied_command_europe) |
ace(icl>playing card) |
ace(icl>playing_card>thing) |
ace(icl>serve) |
ace(icl>serve>thing) |
ACE inhibitor |
acellular |
acentric |
acentric chromosome |
ace of clubs(icl>playing card) |
ace of diamonds |
ace of hearts |
ace of spades |
acephalia |
acephalism |
acephalous |
acephalous(icl>adj) |
acephaly |
AC(equ>air conditioning) |
acerate |
acerb |
acerbate |
acerbate(icl>change>be,obj>thing,aoj>thing) |