adhesive(aoj>tape) |
adhesive(aoj>thing) |
adhesive bandage |
adhesive friction |
adhesive(icl>adj,ant>nonadhesive) |
adhesive(icl>material) |
adhesive(icl>material>thing,equ>adhesive_material) |
adhesive material |
adhesive material(icl>material) |
adhesiveness |
adhesiveness(icl>stickiness>thing) |
adhesive plaster |
adhesive tape |
ADH(icl>hormone) |
ad_hoc(icl>adj) |
ad hoc(icl>how) |
ad_hoc(icl>how) |
ad hoc(icl>improvised(mod
ad hoc(mod
adhocracy |
adiabatic |
adiabatic(icl>adj,ant>diabatic) |
adiabatic process |
adiabatic process(scn>thermodynamics) |
Adiantum capillus-veneris |
adiaphorism |
adiaphoristic |
adiaphoron |
adiaphorous |
A.D.(icl>how) |
AD(icl>how) |
a.d.(icl>how,equ>ad) |
ad(icl>promotion) |
ad(icl>promotion>thing) |
adieu(icl>farewell) |
adieu(icl>farewell>thing) |
a different kettle of fish(icl>person) |
a different kettle of fish(icl>thing) |
Adige(iof>river) |
Adi Granth(iof>sacred book) |
a dime a dozen(aoj>thing) |
ad infinitum(icl>how) |
ad_infinitum(icl>how,com>infinite) |
adios(icl>farewell) |
adipic acid |
adipose |
adipose cell |
adipose(icl>adj) |
adiposeness |
adipose tissue |