
國語 Vocabulary

469785 entries from 99 sources
4 additional sources obtained by PanLex and waiting to be analyzed,
containing at least 54167 entries in this language.
Microsoft Access
Microsoft AppLocale
Microsoft BASIC
Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator
Microsoft Dynamics
Microsoft Exchange Server
Microsoft Expression Studio
Microsoft Forefront
Microsoft FrontPage
Microsoft Gadgets
Microsoft Game Studios
Microsoft InfoPath
Microsoft Intermediate Language
Microsoft Java Virtual Machine
Microsoft Management Console
Microsoft Management Console (MMC)
Microsoft MapPoint
Microsoft Max
Microsoft Media Server 通訊協定
Microsoft Money
Microsoft OEM 系統建造商協定
Microsoft OEM 系統建造商授權合約
Microsoft Office
Microsoft Office Live
Microsoft Office Online
Microsoft Office Picture Manager
Microsoft Office Update
Microsoft Operations Manager 代理程式
Microsoft Operations Manager 連接器架構
Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft PlaysForSure
Microsoft PnP Utility
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Project
Microsoft Provisioning Framework
Microsoft Publisher
Microsoft Reserved (MSR) 磁碟分割
Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft Student
Microsoft Surface
Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager 2006 管理主控台
Microsoft text telephone
Microsoft Update
Microsoft Update 快取規則
Microsoft Virtual Machine for Java
Microsoft Visio
Microsoft Visual C#