
English Vocabulary

2966448 entries from 1347 sources
338 additional sources obtained by PanLex and waiting to be analyzed,
containing at least 16230754 entries in this language.
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah
Abdullah Al-Eyaf
Abdullah Al-Qasemi
Abdullah Al Rakib
Abdullah Al-Waked
Abdullah Avcı
Abdullah Baiat
Abdullah Bin Zayed Al Nahyan
Abdullah Çatlı
Abdullah Ercan
Abdullah Gegić
Abdullah Gül
Abdullahi Ahmed Addou
Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na’im
Abdullah I Al-Sabah
Abdullah Ibn Saba
Abdullah Ibrahim
Abdullah II Al-Sabah
Abdullah III Al-Salim Al-Sabah
Abdullah II of Aghlabids
Abdullah II of Jordan
Abdullahi Issa
Abdullah I of Jordan
Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed
Abdullah Jumaan Al-Dosari
abdullah kani
Abdullah Koni
Abdullah Manaz
Abdullah Mehsud
Abdullah Öcalan
Abdullah of Saudi Arabia
Abdullah Quaye
Abdullah Qutb Shah
Abdullah S. Jum’ah
Abdullah the Butcher
Abdullah Yaqta
Abdullah Yusuf Ali
Abdullah Yusuf Azzam
Abdullah Zubromawi
Abdulla Pashew
Abdulla Shaig
Abdüllatif Şener
Abdul Latif Sharif
Abdullo Tangriev
Abdul Majeed