clud | |
cludgie | |
Clyde | |
clyre | |
cnag | |
cnag bheag | |
cnag dhubh | |
cnag ghlas | |
cnag mhòr | |
coal | |
cobaut | |
cobhan | |
Coca-Cola | |
coch | |
cock-a-roora-koo | |
cod | |
coe | |
cofaidh | |
coffee | |
cognate | |
coileach innseanach | |
Colin Breed | |
Colin Fox | |
Colin King | |
Colin Macfarquhar | |
collegianer | |
collogue | |
Cologne | |
comhachag bheag | |
comic | |
Commissioners tae the Scots Pairlament | |
commonly | |
commonty | |
Commonweel o Nations | |
Commonweel o the Bahamas | |
communism | |
computer | |
Confucius | |
conjugalitie | |
Conor Lenihan | |
conseest | |
conseestency | |
consteetuency | |
constitute | |
conteenuous | |
conterfait | |
contreibution | |
coo | |
Cooncil areas o Scotland | |
coont | |
Scots leid |