FreeMind | |
Free Pascal | |
Front Row | |
Fry and the Slurm Factory | |
Ft | |
FTP | |
FtsZ | |
Fujitsu | |
Fusobacteria | |
Future Stock | |
G | |
GarageBand | |
GBP | |
GCC Summit | |
GCompris | |
GDI | |
Gears of War | |
Geely | |
Geely CK | |
GEL | |
Gela | |
Gemmatimonadetes | |
Genesis | |
Gentle Giant | |
Gentoo Linux | |
GeoTIFF | |
Germanwings | |
Ghost in the Shell | |
GHS | |
GIF | |
Gigabit Ethernet | |
GIMP | |
GIP | |
Global Gathering | |
Global System for Mobile Communications | |
Glossinger James | |
Gmail | |
GMD | |
GMT | |
GNewSense | |
GNF | |
Gnome Office | |
GNU | |
GNU Compiler Collection | |
GNU Free Documentation License | |
GNU General Public License | |
GNU Lesser General Public License | |
українська |