localise | |
lock | |
lock with pen | |
locomotive | |
locomotive driver | |
locomotive inspector | |
locomotive running shed | |
locomotive shed | |
locomotive shed master | |
lodging turn | |
log | |
lollipop | |
London end | |
long shed | |
loo | |
look | |
loose shunting | |
lorry | |
lorry driver | |
lose one’s colour | |
loudly crying face | |
loudspeaker | |
love | |
love hotel | |
love letter | |
lucerne | |
lucky beggar | |
luffing crane | |
luggage trolley | |
luggage van | |
lustre | |
lustre terminal | |
mack | |
magnetisation | |
mahjong red dragon | |
maid of honour | |
maille | |
mail sorting van | |
main beam | |
main signal box | |
main train | |
maize | |
maize cob | |
maize silk | |
maize stigma | |
make grey | |
man and woman holding hands | |
man in business suit levitating | |
manoeuvrability | |
manoeuvrable | |
British English |