manoeuvre | |
manoeuvres | |
Mansell wheel | |
man’s shoe | |
mantelpiece clock | |
mantlepiece | |
manual labour | |
man with chinese cap | |
man with turban | |
maple leaf | |
map of japan | |
mark | |
marshal | |
marshalling | |
marshalling yard | |
marvellous | |
maths | |
me | |
meagre | |
meagrely | |
means of communication | |
meat on bone | |
medallist | |
mediaeval | |
megalitre | |
megametre | |
megaphone | |
melon | |
memo | |
memorise | |
menorah | |
men’s room | |
merry-go-round train | |
metastasie | |
metastasise | |
methanisation | |
metre | |
metro | |
miaow | |
microlitre | |
micrometre | |
micro-organism | |
microphone | |
microscope | |
middle finger | |
migrant labour | |
mile post | |
military medal | |
milky way | |
milliard | |
British English |