per cent | |
performing arts | |
performing trains | |
permanent way | |
permissive block | |
pernickety | |
per pale | |
persevering face | |
person bowing | |
person frowning | |
person in bed | |
person pouting | |
person raising hands | |
person taking bath | |
person with ball | |
person with blond hair | |
person with dishevelled hair | |
pet | |
petrol | |
petrol-electric | |
petrol-powered saw | |
petrol pump | |
petrol station | |
petrol tank | |
petticoat pipe | |
pharmacy | |
phosphatic fertiliser | |
pick | |
pick-up | |
pick-up freight | |
pick-up goods | |
picometre | |
piece of jewellery | |
pig | |
pig face | |
pig nose | |
pile of poo | |
pill | |
pilot | |
pilot man | |
pin down | |
pineapple | |
pine decoration | |
piped only | |
piped wagon | |
pisces | |
pissed | |
pistol | |
pizza | |
pizza restaurant | |
British English |