pizzeria | |
place of worship | |
plain-coloured | |
plane | |
plaster | |
platelayer | |
platelayer’s hut | |
plateway | |
platform | |
play | |
play button | |
play or pause button | |
play up | |
please | |
plimsolls | |
plough | |
ploughshare | |
pm | |
point | |
point heater | |
point rodding | |
points | |
points man | |
polarisation | |
police car | |
police car’s light | |
police district | |
police officer | |
political organisation | |
polo neck | |
polo-neck jumper | |
polo-neck sweater | |
polymerisation | |
polynia | |
ponce | |
poodle | |
poof | |
popper | |
population centre | |
post | |
postal horn | |
postbox | |
postman | |
post office | |
post office sorting van | |
post office stowing van | |
postwoman | |
potassium fertiliser | |
potato crisps | |
pot of food | |
British English |