rock | |
rocket | |
rolled-up newspaper | |
roller coaster | |
romanisation | |
rose | |
rose-colored | |
rose-coloured | |
rosette | |
rouble | |
roundabout | |
round pushpin | |
round shed | |
rowing boat | |
rowlock | |
rubber | |
rubbish | |
rubbish dump | |
rude behaviour | |
rugby ball | |
rumour | |
rumour has it | |
rumours | |
runner | |
running line to loop signal | |
running power | |
running shed | |
running shirt | |
running shoe | |
rust-coloured | |
sabre | |
sad | |
safety wagon for travelling crane | |
sagittarius | |
sailing boat | |
sake | |
saltcellar | |
sand box | |
sand-pit | |
sandpit | |
sand table | |
santa claus | |
satellite | |
satellite antenna | |
savour | |
savouring | |
savoury | |
saw and axe | |
sawn-off shotgun | |
saxophone | |
British English |