scared | |
sceptic | |
sceptical | |
school | |
school backpack | |
scissors | |
scorpion | |
scorpius | |
screen | |
scroll | |
sea | |
season ticket | |
season ticket holder | |
seat | |
sec | |
secretary | |
seedling | |
see-no-evil | |
self-help programme | |
sentence to hard labour | |
sent to the Tower | |
septicaemia | |
sepulchre | |
series | |
service lift | |
seven o’clock | |
seven-thirty | |
shake hole | |
shakehole | |
shamrock | |
shaved ice | |
sheaf of rice | |
shed code | |
shed foreman | |
shedmaster | |
shed turner | |
sheep | |
sheep pen | |
shield | |
shinto shrine | |
ship | |
shippen | |
shirt and trousers | |
shooting star | |
shopkeeper | |
shopping | |
shopping bags | |
shopping centre | |
shopping trolley | |
shortcake | |
British English |