
ꕙꔤ Vocabulary

378 entries from 6 sources
ꔀꔸꔳꕟ Eritrea
ꔀꔸꔳꕟ ꗁꖻꘋ Eritrean Nakfa
ꔆꔷꔘ Belize
ꔆꕞꖩꔻ Belarusian
ꔉꔒ no:n
ꔋꕩ ꕒꕌꖺ ꕸꖃꔀ Sierra Leone
ꔌꘋ thing
ꔎꔒ day
ꔎꔒ ꗃ ꔳꗞꖻ
  1. East Timor
ꔒꔫꕩ Libya
ꔒꕑꗟꘋ Lebanon
ꔓꗠꖻ Réunion
  1. yearling
  2. booby
  3. young
  4. youngster
  5. younker
  6. bambino
  7. children
  8. kiddy
  9. kiddie
  10. baby
  11. offspring
  12. kid
  13. greenhorn
  14. girl
  15. pupil
  16. schoolchild
  17. child
  18. stopple
  19. boy
  20. toddler
ꔖꗼꔷ Seychelles
ꔖꗼꔷ ꖩꔪ Seychellois Rupee
ꔚꔷ Chile
ꔛꔟꔻ ꔤꔺꕩ ꗛꔤꘂ ꕗꕴꔀ ꕮ British Indian Ocean Territory
ꔛꔟꔻ ꗁꖻꘋ ꔻꗳꔷꘋ British Pound
ꔛꔟꔻ ꗩꗡ ꗏ ꖷꖬ ꔳꘋꗣ British Virgin Islands
ꔛꗨꗢ Japan
ꔝꘈꘋ Yemen
ꔞꔀꕮꘋ ꔳꘋꗣ Cayman Islands
ꔞꔪ ꗲꔵ ꔳꘋꗣ Cape Verde
ꔞꕰ Kenya
ꔞꕰ ꔻꔝꘋ Kenyan Shilling
ꔞꘋ foot
ꔞꘋꕔꕿ ꕸꖃꗏ November
ꔤꔳꖎꔪꕩ Ethiopia
ꔤꔺꕩ India
ꔤꔺꕩ ꖩꔪ Indian Rupee
ꔤꕚꔷ Italy
ꔤꕚꔷꘂꘋ Italian
ꔤꕟꕃ Iraq
ꔤꕟꘋ Iran
ꔤꕼ Igbo
ꔤꕿꖎꔪꕩ ꔫꔤ Ethiopian Birr
ꔤꖆꕇꔻꕩ Indonesia
ꔤꖆꕇꔻꘂꘋ Indonesian
ꔦꔺ Hindi
ꔨꔤꕃ week
ꔨꕃꕮ ꔎꔒ day of the week
ꔪꔳꕪꕆ Pitcairn Islands
ꔪꖳꕿ ꔸꖏ Puerto Rico
ꔱꔒꔪꘋ Philippines
ꔱꔤꕀ Fiji
ꔱꘋ ꖨꕮꕊ Finland
ꔲꕩꕯꕆꔧ Vietnamese
ꔷꔫꕩ ꔵꕯ Libyan Dinar
ꔷꕞꔟꕇ Swazi Lilangeni
ꕙꔤ English